How do you introduce magnets to kindergarten?

Introducing magnets to kindergarten students can be an exciting and educational experience. Magnets are fascinating objects that can spark curiosity and promote hands-on learning. In this blog post, we will explore how to introduce magnets to kindergarten students in a way that is engaging, age-appropriate, and safe.

What are magnets and how do they work?

Before diving into the activities, it's important to provide a basic understanding of what magnets are and how they work. Magnets are objects that produce a magnetic field, which is a force that can attract or repel certain materials, such as iron or steel. This invisible force is what makes magnets stick to metal objects or attract other magnets.

Start with a magnet exploration station

Setting up a magnet exploration station is a great way to introduce magnets to kindergarten students. Create a designated area with a variety of magnets and different objects for the students to experiment with. Include objects that are magnetic, such as paperclips, and objects that are not magnetic, such as plastic toys.

Encourage the students to explore the magnets by picking them up, moving them around, and observing what happens when they come into contact with different objects. Ask open-ended questions to stimulate their critical thinking skills, such as "What objects do the magnets stick to? Why do you think that is?" This hands-on activity allows the students to discover the properties of magnets through their own observations and interactions.

Engage in magnet-themed crafts and games

Another fun way to introduce magnets to kindergarten students is through magnet-themed crafts and games. For example, you can provide the students with magnetic letters and have them use the letters to spell out words on a magnetic board. This activity not only introduces the concept of magnetism but also reinforces letter recognition and spelling skills.

You can also organize a scavenger hunt where the students search for hidden magnetic objects around the classroom. This activity encourages the students to actively engage with magnets while developing their observation and problem-solving skills.

Explore the concept of magnetic poles

Once the students have a basic understanding of magnets, you can introduce the concept of magnetic poles. Explain that magnets have two ends, called poles, known as the north pole and the south pole. Emphasize that opposite poles attract each other, while like poles repel each other.

Provide the students with bar magnets and allow them to experiment with the concept of magnetic poles. Have them try to connect two magnets together, observing how the magnets attract or repel each other depending on their orientation. This activity helps solidify the understanding of magnetic poles and further engages the students in hands-on learning.


Introducing magnets to kindergarten students can be a fun and educational experience. By providing hands-on activities, engaging crafts, and exploring the concept of magnetic poles, you can spark curiosity and promote a deeper understanding of magnetism. Remember to always supervise the students during these activities and ensure that the magnets used are age-appropriate and safe.

So, get ready to embark on a magnetic adventure with your kindergarten students and watch as their curiosity and knowledge about magnets grow!